
Have you come here for forgiveness... Day 7 part 1

They sit down in the center of the room Katie Mikles was the holder of key tag number 6 and was released, Tony's body was dragged from the room by the P90s as they all stood and watched and waited for Cipher to unleash day 7.

He looked down at them, his features blank from his mask. "Well it doesn't look like some 'Sun' did you good at all, you all look very tired. You have 30 minutes before Day 7 begins, the water has been turned back on and I'm lowering in some fruit, the food has nothing to do with today's adventure so I suggest you eat while I am offering it. See you in thirty." The monitor blips out.

"Did he seriously just give us a thirty minute break to eat and drink." Dalton helps some of the other weaker captives off the floor.


We get to carry each other, carry each other. Day 6 part 2

“Blinded by the light, I talk like a douche in the middle of the night. Blinded by the light…” Dalton lied singing on the floor, basking in the lights above.

“Would you shut up.” Ross chimes in, in a less lyrical fashion. “first off you’re singing it wrong, its not 'I talk like a douche', even though for you it probably should be.” He rolls his head to the side to look at him and laugh.

“You’re just angry because he hasn’t fed us yet.” Dalton smirks back.

“Oh, fat jokes, nice. Well I think the real funny thing is when your tiny ass is starving and my body is living off its reserves, or eating you.” Ross rolls his head back over and looks away.

“Would the two of you both shut up.” Daniel lying down beside them. Everyone in the room has decided lying flat on the floor is the best way to deal with today’s torture. Thousands of blaring lights shining down from the ceiling, the heat is pretty decent but not unbearable, just uncomfortable, making them all sweaty, and the blinding light makes it difficult to keep their eyes open; its as if they’re being forced to look into the sun. “He’s right though, your singing it wrong. It’s ‘cuts like a deuce, another runner in the night’”


We're One But We are Not the Same... Day 6 part 1

The doors open to the four rooms and the captives spill out back into the main room, shielding their eyes, taking a moment to adjust to the light, something some of them will laugh about later. Projected on each of the walls near the rooms are letters, S, M, L and XL, under each are piles of clothes, they look like hospital scrubs, one pile of pants, one pile of shirts. It takes a moment for this to register and for them to even remember at this point that they are all still stark naked. The past 24 hours has been sent so secluded and messed with their minds so much that they can't even comprehend that their new clothes await them and they need only to determine what size they would wear.

A couple of them soon figure out the puzzle of S,M, L and XL and they go to put on their new outfits. All of them eventually move about the large room and gather up their clothing, taking it with them and then moving to the center of the room. One person rushes to the front of the center where they usually stand waiving her tag, it's clear she's number 5. The monitor comes on and Cipher is on the screen, the P90s enter the room, it has only taken 5 days of mental and physical torture to train these men and women to obey and know exactly how to begin their day.


To Drag the Past Out in to the Light... Day 5 part 2

Room on the West wall holds 26 people; including Daniel, Dalton, Marcus, Scott and twenty two others, their room is the most full. Crammed together in the small space, all of them cold and tired, and on top of it naked. Daniel believes that this is the torture of Day 5. Cramping them in a tight spot, forcing them to stand up against one another totally naked and embarrassed; Cipher on this day is attacking their dignity and will to survive.

Room on the East wall holds the woman's group, 20 women also all naked but not feeling as horrible about it as the other groups, there are no men in there to judge them. They still cover themselves up hiding their nudity. Blushing and avoiding looking at one another, but some of the others don't seem to mind and act as if its not upsetting them at all. Liz and her friend Anne move about the group trying to keep everyone calm, Liz has the same thoughts as Daniel as this is today's torture and they won't be leaving this room for some time.


Well its, too late, tonight... Day 5 part 1

The smell in the morning was actually worse than it was the day before, mustiness of the water, death and more vomit it was like a dumpster after the rain. The group awoke after a day of exhaustion they couldn’t help but fall asleep after the water had drained. They didn’t know how many hours they had actually been out, but however long it was, it wasn’t enough. Some had difficulty standing as their bodies were cramped to the point of extreme twisting, it felt as though their calve muscle had wrapped completely around their leg and their arms were made of Jello.
The monitor came on, the P90s entered the room and without being told members of the survivors assembled in the middle of the room and got their key tags out. Cipher came on the screen and he spoke as he always did, unemotional and uncaring of the events that had just taken place as if each day for him was just another day. “Good morning all welcome to day 5, get your tags out. Where is Susan, Susan Weat? She was registered as number 4 is she still with us.” He pauses and waits for a response.
