
Have you come here for forgiveness... Day 7 part 1

They sit down in the center of the room Katie Mikles was the holder of key tag number 6 and was released, Tony's body was dragged from the room by the P90s as they all stood and watched and waited for Cipher to unleash day 7.

He looked down at them, his features blank from his mask. "Well it doesn't look like some 'Sun' did you good at all, you all look very tired. You have 30 minutes before Day 7 begins, the water has been turned back on and I'm lowering in some fruit, the food has nothing to do with today's adventure so I suggest you eat while I am offering it. See you in thirty." The monitor blips out.

"Did he seriously just give us a thirty minute break to eat and drink." Dalton helps some of the other weaker captives off the floor.

The group partakes of the food that was dropped in nervous of what it will bring about, will it be more massive eating? Some question if the food was tainted with something to make them go to the bathroom all day, others feel it will be the last food they will see in some time. Regardless, they all eat, so filled with hunger that whatever the consequences may be at this point they have no choice other than to eat so that they may survive.

The monitor turns back on, has it been thirty minutes, the group in these 7 days have lost all sense of time, not seeing the outside world, the day or the night for an entire week has left all of their internal clocks confused as to what time of day it is, so this 30 minutes while it seems short is somewhat of a relief, its a sense of time passed and because of that some look at is as a sign that they are moving forward to getting out of the madman's experiment.

Cipher speaks, "I'm sure some of you are waiting for a confession on the food, but I'm sorry to say there isn't one coming; the food was fine, I need to feed you to partake in this expedition. Now lets discuss today's event. Allow me to introduce you to the I-454 Stingmore Mine, developed right here in the good ol' USA she is a riot control device and she is a bitch. You'll see them now, they are located on each of the walls, three on each wall. They fire 434 x .45 caliber soft round rubber balls, and yes I did say soft. Problem for you is, they fire out of the system at approximately 400 miles per second, meaning they aren't lethal, they wont break the skin, but wow, they'll leave a hell of a mark. Getting hit by one of these beautiful machines of pain will drop the biggest man to his knees, but getting hit time after time throughout the day, well that very well could possibly kill you. How do you survive this? Well that is up to all of you. The mines will go off through out the day at any given time, they will go off if you approach them, they will go off if you try and tamper with them, in other words don't mess with mines. They have been tuned to this room taking into account its size and shape, so that there is a small area in the center of the room that will allow for you to stand and not get hit with the maximum pressure. If you all stand in that area, and I mean stand, you will most likely survive the day. If any of you sit in that area, collapse, or attempt to lie down the system will be readjusted and the caution zone will become smaller. Here is a map of the room to show you where you should be standing. The devices will become active in 25 seconds. I have lit up the floor with the lights above to show you the caution area."

The ceiling lights adjust and light up the floor, the monitor switches from Cipher to this image to show them where they need to stand.

"The red area is the danger areas where you will get severely hurt and set off the devices, the yellow area is the caution zone where you all are now and need to stand in order to not set off the mines." The map shuts off and switches back to Cipher.

"What were the green areas in the corners?" Someone from the group shouts out, Cipher pauses before he answers, looks at his watch and waits another moment.

"Good question. Those are the four spots in the room that the devices can't reach, they are only large enough to hold one person, why tell you this? Because now the devices are active and any attempt to get to the corners will result in the devices going off and the room getting hit, on top of that by moving to that area it will decrease the caution zone. Enjoy day 7." The monitor shuts off and the day has begun.

Everyone stands looking down at the lit up floor making sure they stay in the glowing area as to not set off the mines. Plans are being formulated on who will help who stand up for the day, those who appear extremely weak are moved to the center as to shield them slightly.

"I can't do this I'm sorry. I can't stand here all night, I'm tired, I'm sore, I'm weak, I'm thirsty I just can't I can't do this anymore, a week of this is my limit, I'm done." Jay moves to the corner of the lit floor. "I'm sorry everyone, I really am."

"Dude what're you doing?!" Rashaan grabs Jay by the shirt. "Stay calm, we'll get through this."

"I will. And I'm sorry." Jay then grips Rashaan's shirt and spins him towards the outer corner. He pushes him back and runs with him stepping out of the safety zone and into the red. "I'M SORRY. I'M SO SORRY I JUST CAN'T ANYMORE." He barrels across the room running towards the corner. There are two quick beeps and then BOOM! A bang of smoke and the 454 Stingmore mine fires, Jay shields himself with Rashaan's body making him take the full impact. He screams in pain and stumbles almost falling when a second Stingmore goes off, BOOM! The mine diaganol to the one that just went off, fires and Jay moves again behind Rahsaan to protect himself. He lets go of his shirt and makes a dive to the corner. Rashaan lying on the ground screaming in pain, the welts and bruises bleeding through his shirt and pants, he covers his face feeling the marks that adorn his skull, his nose broken, his ear swelling to cartoon like proportions.

The rest of the group dropping to their knees as they too were hit with the small rubber balls. Disorientated several members of the group fall out side the lit floor and onto the ground. Some scramble to pick them back up, others still trying to gain their bearings, the ringing in their ears screaming from the two explosions. Before those that fell down can stand back up, two quick beeps are heard by some and then again, BOOM! The bang of smoke and another of the stingmore's fire. They scream and whince in pain trying to cover the more sensitive parts of their body and shield their faces in fear another blast will shortly follow. It does. BOOM! Again they are rained down on with the furious rubber balls busting open their skin and stinging through their bodies the welts form and they try to compose themselves and stand through the pain.

In the corner Jay sits, un-injured, repeating over and over again. I'm sorry. Forgive me.

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