
Have you come to raise the dead... Day 7 part 2

Its been four hours since the first blasts caused by Jay went off, since then the devices have gone off three more times, each random, and only one mine each time. The group has learned to keep time, one person counts to one thousand and eight hundred, and then taps someone else on the shoulder, and so on, this way they can keep track of half hour increments. They just ask out loud, how many counters, those who have counted raise their hand and they know how much time has past.

Rashaan still laid on the floor where his beaten body was left by Jay those four hours ago, everyone thought it would be best if he stayed there, worried that any movement by him, even to get back to the square would set off multiple explosions again. Jay had tried to talk to him several times, begging for forgiveness but Rashaan responded to no one who called out to him.

Without warning the yellow squares, which were the groups safe zone suddenly decreased by what looked like one row on the East side of the square. Five people looked down to find themselves standing in the red dangers zone, they quickly moved in with the rest of the group but ended up pushing others out into the red as well. The monitor came on and Cipher was on screen.

"See what happens when I don't check in. NO ONE can be in the red zone! You have 15 seconds to get organized!" The monitor shuts off, they scramble to get adjusted but it just doesn't seem to fit.

"Get on my back!" Ross screams to Anne and she hops up onto him, piggy back style. "Guys, grab someone, we need to make room!"

Bonny jumps into Renee's arms and he scoops her up, a couple of the other men grab some of the smaller women, and they try and squeeze together. Daniel and Dalton scream and reach out to Rashaan to get up, that he has to get in the safe zone.

He stumbles to his feet, but instead of running to the yellow squares he turns his eyes to Jay and runs full boar at him, cowering in the corner Jay has no where to run. Rashaan turns his body at the last moment and slams his large back into Jay and the corner, squashing him against the wall. He then grips Jay by the shirt and screams in his face at the top of his lungs. "I'M SORRY!" spit and rage flies from his mouth and into Jay's dazed face.

Someone from the group who was counting shouts out. "FIVE SECONDS!" Everyone watches and waits for Rashaan to throw Jay's body out on to the floor and take his spot in the corner, letting Jay suffer the fate he did, but that doesn't happen. Instead he throws Jay over his shoulder and runs with him towards the group. "THREE SECONDS...TWO! ONE!"  The Stingmore mine's blast goes off, this time, not as loud as the last because this time it was muffled.

Rashaan turned and ran towards the mine and held Jay directly up against it. The blast that shoots those tiny rubber balls traveling at 400mph instantly chars his shirt and the skin underneath. This of course is followed by the  rubber balls blasting into his back, hundreds of them penetrate through his flesh and rip apart his organs, given time the internal bleeding would have eventually killed him, but that wasn't going to be a problem for Jay. In the same manner that he shielded himself with Rashaan's body from two mines, Rashaan ran to the next closest mine and just mere seconds before it detonated he threw Jay face first into the blast. The sound didn't get muffled this time, instead it was followed by the gut churning sound of rubber balls flying at 400 mph  and thew the throat and face of the young man that was being hurled into it. The P90s stormed out to the balcony and aimed their guns at Rashaan, no violence towards one another was being permitted. He ran threw the hail of rubber bullets that showered down on him,and realized his actions drew the ire of Cipher and he was going to take it out on him and the group. He ran to the next closest mine, sure that this one too would go off due to his actions and pelt the rest of the survivors with more of the ammunition. He couldn't have his revenge be the cause of an innocent person's pain and he couldn't believe what he had just done to the man he called for a brief time friend. He closed his eyes, stretched his arms out wide in praise, begging for forgiveness, uttering a silent prayer he accepted his fate. The blast struck him down almost instantly and now both he and Jay, one time protectors of one another lie dead on the floor essentially killed by each others hands.

The day carried on, they counted their half hours into the night, they took turns holding each other up and they got through the day with the mines only going off two more times. Apparently Cipher felt the fear of them going off would be greater and more painful than the actual mines themselves, he was right. Dalton stood their at the end of the long day, looking down at the two men who opted for death rather than another day of this life and wondered how he would last. A voice whispered in his ear. "Ain't that something, freaking losers." Dalton turned to give the moron who would mock their deaths a piece of his mind, but stood their speechless.

End of Day 7

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