
one love day 17 part 1

The buzz of lights come on and shine an eye on the group strewn about the room with open boxes of food amongst them. The stench of the food that had spoiled is combining with the food that is now going bad. Its so bad it burns the nostrils and gives off almost an ammonia effect of instantly startling anyone who catches the scent.

They begin to stand and stretch moving about, some going directly to the center of the room to begin the process. Trained like beaten dogs they drag their sore worn bodies, awaiting their 'master' to present one of them with a treat while the others just do as their told so as not to be beaten more. They whimper, some cuss, and one even pants slightly excited because she knows she's the one to go home. Harriet Nichols an older woman stands and stares at the monitor just waiting, its time for her to go, she needs to leave.


When all you got is hurt day 16

At some point in the night as they held on to one another the fatigue and pain won the battle of will over two of the other boards. The board balancing over the pile of rocks gave out, in the dead center of the group the two grasping hands slipped, let go and sent both sides falling backwards fortunately in doing so most of them fell to the side of the board rather than sliding down the back. Because it was such an even break the separation instead caused them to stumble and several of them even jumped to try and avoid the rocks below, and they succeeded.


Bonny fades from black to white

 They stand upon their boards linked hand to hand holding on to one another, to stay balanced, to stay safe and alive. They've watched one group fall and seen the pain painted across their faces as they went from the main room into the dark of one the side rooms.
