
Dalton's ghosts - Every day is exactly the same

These days in this room have been trying, and when this started he thought for sure he knew the outcome, it wouldn't end pretty. Every day is a new horror, but when everyday is filled with fear, its not really fear anymore, its just a Wednesday. Its any day of the week. Every day becomes the same, the routine of pain or fear, worrying nervously over things that are beyond control becomes the normal.

The logic of knowing its dumb to worry about it is there, but there is no helping it, Dalton bottles it up, keeps it to himself until his ghosts come calling. Like Ebeneezer they come at night, but these aren't floating bed sheets or guys who want to help him make pottery. These ghosts he sees are memorials to his fears. Before the room, before the abduction he had a voice, and it kept the ghosts at bay. They weren't gone but they were much quieter.

Granger walks by him from time to time, reminding him he wont survive this whole thing, and to make matters worse its not just at night like those before, its any time of day. They aren't whispering regrets or casting shadows of former doubt, they aren't ghosts of the past like we all have, these are spectres of the now. Haunts of terror telling him, Every Day is Exactly the Same and there is no love here and there is no pain, the room to Dalton is a song. It sings to him, telling him every day will be hard, every day will be a challenge, and every day he questions whether or not he will pass that challenge. He has gravitated to this group of Daniel and Ross in hopes of making friends and allowing his mind to be distracted far enough from where it is that he can survive one more day. He wants nothing more than to get home and to be able to see his family and friends again. He wants his bed, he wants a home cooked meal, he wants a kiss from his girl.

But here he is, trapped in this room by this madman who's only goal is to drive them to the point of either death or madness. He like most in this room have been suffering from something called a Hypnic Jerk. Its that sensation you get when you are falling asleep in a meeting or class, and just as your body is relaxing and feeling that grip of peace something snaps you awake almost violently. You almost achieved peace and relaxation, the dream realm was mere steps away and then, SNAP, you're yanked back to the now and the reality that your pulled back to seems ever scarrier than it was ever before.

That is every night for Dalton, those ghosts snapping him back, not letting him forget where he is and that most likely he will not survive. If not for these friends he's made he's sure he would not have made it this far, so he continues to fight the ghosts and hopes that what he has to give back to them is enough to keep them going as well.

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