
Will it Make it Easier on You.... 1 day left.

One day prior was the day He spent verifying his research, going over all the details one more time, like looking over a thesis your about to turn in to your professor, making sure everything was just right.

His people across the country waited for the call, they knew what time the mission was set to begin, they read their instructions and knew their targets. All of them did as they were told, ate a good breakfast consisting of toast, cereal, fruit and juice. A good sandwhich from one of those chain places, being sure to cover it in peppers, lettuce, tomatos and other healthy choices so that their minds were atuned and not easily distracted by a hungry stomach. A nice relaxing dinner, no alcahol and no dessert or pleasures of the flesh, they were to obstain from anything after 9pm that would bring them pleasure. If they did partake Cipher insisted he would know, and when he found out he would kill the person they spent time with. Out of fear they heeded his words, filled with nervous excitement and borderline terror they knew what the consequences of failing Him were and chose to follow all the instructions to the letter.

He did all of the same things, he also logged in, updated his status, made a few comments, "liked" a few photos and checked on his 'friends'. Verfiied his data made one or two last minute adjustments, nothing major, nothing he hadn't planned. Logged out, laid out his clothes for the big day ironed his shirt made three calls and logged into the video site to post a new video.

This one would be criticized as our big mistake. Loud mouth wanna be celebrity news reporters who think their names ahead of the story are more important than the story itself would cry and whine that while the first one might have gone unnoticed this one should have sent up a red flag somewhere. Secretly those same reporters will at one point be upset that their rant pertaing to the matter will not have garnered more hits than Cipher's actual video. FBI specialists will be brought in to go over the details of this one and question if Cipher is in fact the same Cipher who appeared in the original video. The IP address will be traced back to the computer of Cody Parket of Denver Colorado, after review of Cody's log it will exonerate him of any wrong doing as he was logged into his webkinz account at the time the video was posted. Here is the transcript of that video.

Cipher: Hello again America, you may refer to me as Cipher. Yesterday I came to you and told you who I am and what I'm about. I recieve a few comments, WARF0101 wanted to know where I got my mask and if I was so ugly underneath I had to hide. Thekeek said he thinks I've watched Saw to many times and I should come up with an original video, maybe have my little brother bite my finger. Armadill0plu7 compared me to the character the Reverse Flash, I'll admit I went and looked this one up.

I'm familiar with Saw so that one required no research on my part, but I assure you The keek, my goals are not so small as to have some junkie do better with their life, or get some hurt father forgive those he blames for the death of his son. Now as for the Reverse Flash reference, this is a bit closer to me, the character Hunter Zolomon after becoming Zoom decides he can make the superhero the Flash a better hero if he kills his wife. He feels that after he's suffrered a personal tragedy he will be stronger and a better hero.

This is so close to me, but I've seen what happens when our coutnry suffers a great personal tragedy. When we were most recently attacked on our own soil what did we do, we had a war for oil. We mass produced ribbons for our cars and SUVs the very things that consumed that oil. We made movies, and television specials and if we weren't personally touched by this tragedy, we forgot. New Yorkers remembered, they held on, they let the fire in them grow, and every day they walk past that block that was devestated by stupid political outrage that fire lights. But what of the man in Kansas, the woman in Nebraska, the child in Las Vegas, did it hit them as hard? No, they didn't feel it. This was an attack on our country and there were spots of our land who felt nothing after his had happened. We should be ashamed.

We will not do something that will be felt by one city, regardless if its the most densley populated city in the country. What we will do will haunt your dreams, what we will do will grow into legends, we will be the new boogey man, we will be the new big bad wolf, we will show you fear, and from that fear you carry with you and pass on to your children, and your childrens children a fire will grow, and once again our country will burn so bright with strength you'll see it from space.

*End of video

He logs off, powers down his lap top makes a few more phone calls and heads to bed. Tomorrow will be the day he changes the world, and while most of us would have laid in bed staring at the ceiling eyes a glow or stomach in knots he simply checked his alarm rolled over and went to sleep.

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