
Is it getting better, or do you feel the same.... two more days

He’s out there right now.

He has a team of people with him, who believe in him, who believe in his ideals, who want to be stronger, who want to know fear.

He’s put out a video, in this modern era of technology, the days of storage shed manifestos are over. We now have ranting blogs, angry status updates and You Tube preaching. It only had 32 hits its first day, most likely spam, today it isn’t viral, today its some weird kid in a mask. Four days from now it will crash servers. In four days the FBI will be watching for anyone who looks at it, remixes it, comments on it, in five days from now it will become part of history.

He calls himself Cipher. He sits on a plain steel folding chair in a blank room, no markings, no posters, no outside noises to help determine a location, a virtual limbo, neither here nor there. He starts this first video with a quick English lesson. His videos to follow will all be labeled as educational training videos on how to once again be a great country. He explains his name is not someone who can speak any language, or the key to solving a coded message. No the word cipher has several meanings, the one he is using for himself is a nobody, a no one, and that’s who he is, he’s nobody.

The term ‘He’ will be used to describe him by the media, as he has no distinctive traits of a female, the build, the frame, the chest, cut of the jaw all appear to be masculine. Psychologist will speak on talk shows on statistical information on how men are more likely to be cult leaders and “minute-men”. Historically there have been no public acknowledgements of a female terrorist leader and “these rants ofa mad man” will be compared to other men who spoke of patriotism and acted with violence.

The voice is synthesized, and he speaks with such a monotone nature that he is either trying to not give any indication of accent, upbringing or race or he is just so sure and content with what he is saying, that there is no emotion to it what so ever in his speech. He dictates his message of fear with such tempered timbre he might as well be reading from the phone book.

The following is a transcript of his message:

Cipher: Hello America, my name is Cipher. For those who are unaware of what our name means it can be defined several ways. 1. Zero 2. Something of no value or importance 3. A person of no influence; nonentity. That is who and what we are. Others will feel our name has a double meaning and spend countless hours looking for a hidden message as it can also mean a key to a secret method of writing or a coded message. But we assure you, there is no secret here, there is no code or backwards message, we are telling the truth, and hiding no message. Our message will be clear and it is our message that matters, not the person who says it.

We wear this mask to cover a face not to hide from persecution but to make it a blank slate. You cannot determine a race, creed, age or a sex. The actions to come have nothing to do with any of those items.

You cannot tell what God we worship, what groups we’ve belonged to, how well we did in school or if we are socially acceptable, again none of those things are what need to be discussed. We will no doubt be labeled a comic book villain, a dramatic fiend with concerns of showmanship and thoughts of grandeur. If we could make this message be simply text on the screen we would, but who would watch that, the United States is at a 99% literacy rate and everyone needs to hear this message.

There will be comparisons made to movie villains as well, that we are most likely some crazed lunatic who’s watched to many horror movies and the entertainment industry will be blamed for creating another monster.

Our actions are not out of hatred to any one group, creed, race, religion, political agenda or sexual preference. They are not meant to teach the individual players a lesson, to give them a choice to save their lives. This is not some dragged out movie plot, this is a lesson in fear and the lesson being taught is for us all. We are not crazed, our actions are not random but the players are. Our actions are not vengeful; our actions are out of disappointment. Like a disappointed friend or teammate who cannot believe the state of affairs they find themselves surrounded by. I sit here and hate the state of affairs we live in.

This is not about the economy, or the job market or any ‘cause’ please do not take that this wrong way, its very important you learn from this. We are patriots, we believe in our system, our leaders and the American dream. We are not terrorists though we will strike terror, we are not zealots, but we are compassionate towards our cause. We are sad and we don’t blame America and its people for anything other than being desensitized.

Is it a media problem? Is it the entertainment industry glorifying violence and building up those who’s job is to play pretend. Is it the ‘news’ stations and broadcasters who make a mockery of our justice system by flaunting their personal opinions, the Nancy Grace’s the John Stewarts, the Bill O’Reilys is it these people who mock the news and the world we live in on a daily basis are they to blame?  No. We are all to blame.

 We have become weak, because we aren’t afraid anymore, we survive every attack, every heinous crime with a response of a blasé attitude. We create Facebook groups, put ribbons on our SUVs, and light candles. How many of us stand up, speak out, fight for our rights as human beings. We lock our doors at night no longer to keep out the boogeyman, we lock our doors because we don’t want to be bothered and have the attitude of it will never happen to me.

It is about to happen to us all. Pay attention. Learn. Fear.

*End of video.

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