
Then we do it again Day 12 part 2

From the ceiling lower 25 hooks on 25 chains, Cipher explains that the hooks enter into a ring located at the center of the rope between the two shackles. From there they can expect to be hoisted into the air, they will be approximately six feet from the ground a fall would certainly hurt, but most likely not break a bone or be terminal. Both of those dangling from the chain can expect to be in extreme physical pain for the next 24 hours, however it doesn't have to be so for one of the people of the pairing. After three hours of dangling a  rope will be lowered. At the bottom of that rope will be a device that a foot can be slipped into, once a foot is slipped into the hole at the bottom of the rope it will tighten and stay on that foot. The person in that rope will then be lifted slightly and relieved of the pressure of haning, they can adjust how high they are lifted, the higher they are lifted the less discomfort they will be in ,but the more discomfort the other person they are shackled to will be bestowed.

His words hang in the air, right along side the lowered chains, the previous 24 hours had been spent building relationships, supporting one another and giving one another a hand to hold onto. Now they're being told that not only will today's torture be excruciating, but the level of pain you will receive must be decided between you and your knew friend. Discussions begin as the groups latch up, some people fully giving their partner the ability to take the easy path, others argue on whom is more deserving of being elliviated of the pain, and still others down right fight and ensure that its everyone for themselves after that three hour mark.

"Your going to take the foot hold." Daniel attaches the chain to their rope.

Ross assists with the chain, "Why me? You've been getting pelted and hammered so much more than me, and besides your Mr. 100.."

"Don't call me that." Daniel stops him.

"You know what I mean. You take the foot hold." Ross and Daniel wait for the rope to raise.

"You outweigh me by like fifty pounds, you should take it, the dangling could do some serious damage to your shoulder. I'll be fine."

"Fifty?! How about one hundred."

"I was being nice."

"Fine, but I'm so not cool with this."


They get raised into the air and find themselves dangling, swaying back and forth only pulls harder onto their shoulder. Attempts are made to reach up and grab the rope in hopes to give them some slack and relive some of the pull, but their strength isn't enough that it can be done for any period of time where it can make a difference.

Ross looks over and dangling next to him and Daniel are Anne and Liz. "I'm sorry, you'll have to forgive me."

"Don't say it" Anne glares at him.

"You ladies come here often or is this your first time hanging around." He smirks

"You're a horrible person, you know that." Daniel shoves him causing him to sway and then bounce back into him. "OWW"

"Brilliant move genius." Ross pushes back at him and the two of them begin to sway back and forth.

"Would you two cut it out, I'm really in no mood for this, my shoulder is killing me." Liz squinting her eyes from the pain.

"Old football injury?" Ross asks again trying to lighten the mood.

"Dancing." she replies

"Ohhh." Both Ross and Daniel remark.
"Get dropped in a routine or something?" Daniel asks.

"Fell from a pole." she responds.

"A pole?" Ross says confused.

"Yeah, A POLE." Anne opens her eyes wide hoping the two men would catch on.

"OHHHHH a POLE." The inflection changes from a confused tone to a happy delighted dirty thought type of inflection.

"Don't worry, we'll get through this." Anne tries to comfort her and ignore the comments from Ross and Daniel. "The rope will lower and your taking the foot hold, no debates."

Three Hours Later

The ropes are lowered with the device at the bottom to secure one of each of the hanging pairs feet. The sound of fighting and the crumbling of relationships built come crashing down as the participants dangle above the floor of the room.

"Okay, come on, put it on." Daniel pushes the rope towards Ross.

"Actually I have an idea. Swing with me." Ross grabs Daniels shirt.

"Swing with you? No I won't do that." Daniel tries to unhook Ross's fingers from his shirt.

"No, cut it out, come on, swing with me." Ross begins to rock causing the chain to swing back and forth until it gets the two men moving pretty quickly.

The momentum gets them over to Liz and Anne, Ross reaches over and grabs their rope pulling them back with them. The two women much smaller than them instantly swing back with them causing all four now to sway back and forth until they finally come to a stop.

"WHAT'RE YOU DOING!" Anne screams at Ross.

"Daniel grab their chain." Ross shimmies as best he can to give Daniel room to grab the girls chain. He reaches over grabs the chain holding the two women in the air. "Anne get your foot thing and put it on Liz."

"What the hell are you up to." she reaches down and places the foot older on Liz and locks it in place.

"Shhh come on quick before this backfires." Ross reaches down and grabs the foot holder intended for himself and Daniel.

"Oh is it going well so far?!" Daniel clinging to the chain, sweating as the weight of their bodies tries to pull the two groups apart.

Ross takes his foot holder and places it on Anne's foot and locks it in. "There!"

"Dude! What the Hell!" Anne looks at her foot and realizes that now she too will be hoisted slightly in the air keeping the pressure off both of the girls.

"Booya!" Ross smirks and Daniel releases their chain, the two girls swing back as do the two men. "Damsels saved." he raises his eyebrows and looks at Daniel.

"You're an idiot. Cipher is not going to be happy." Daniel trying not to look at the smiling big man as they dangle above the ground chest to chest.

"He's right, you shouldn't have done this." Liz calls out.
"Actually I think he'll be fine, see this just means the two of us will be in more pain, its a win, win win." Ross shouts out.

The foot ropes begin to raise up and both Liz and Anne are relieved of the tension from their arms, just as they do the monitor comes on and Cipher appears.

"How is this a 'Win, Win, Win' Ross?" Cipher directly address Ross sending chills up his spine.

"Well, you're happy because Daniel and I have to stay in pain the whole night, the girls are out of pain, and I'm pleased because I got to help the girls." Ross trails off at the end, afraid of what he just said. What if Cipher decides to punish the girls for his actions, he shouldn't have said he was happy to have helped. Dammit, he thinks, why did I say that! Cipher is sure to hurt him more by punishing the girls. Tears begin to well in his eyes as and his breath begins to escape him. Just before he can get out an explanation or a plead he's struck violently in the face.

Daniel had pulled himself up the chain and head butted Ross straight in the face breaking his nose causing blood to run from his face as if it were an open faucet. "Hey Jack ASS! Do you think maybe I wanted that foot hold! I can't stand heights and even two more feet up would freak me the hell out, but if it meant my face wasn't in your disgusting sweaty arm pit for the next twenty four hours I'd have dealt with it!"

"What did I say about violence against one another Daniel. Raise their chain, raise it another fifteen feet, let everyone here see that Mr. 100 Days broke his 'friends' nose and is terrified of heights."

"No! NOOOO! You bastard! Ross I'm going break your nose every damn day we're here!" Daniel screams as the two are hoisted above, further and further into the air.

Ross holds his nose to stop the blood, his eyes full of tears, afraid to even look at Daniel, a man he thought he could look up to and was someone he considered a friend. "I'm sorry" he whimpers. "I just thought...the girls..." he holds back his panicked breathing best he can.

"Shhhh. Shut up. Stop it. I don't know what he can hear. I didn't want him to take it out on the girls, but don't you dare react happy right now or I swear I'll swat your nose." Daniel speaks softly and acts as though he can't pull his face away from Ross's body.

"You had to break my nose!" Ross tries not to scream and whisper screams it into his arm.

"I didn't think it would break, your my first head butt. Now shut up or cry or something." Daniel now closing his eyes tight as the two ascend.

"Are you even bothered by heights?" Ross asks

"Terrified actually."

End day 12

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